domingo, julho 27, 2008

sofia_antónio 26.07.2008

so they're married, on their way to asia on their apparently very busy honeymoon...
the wedding couldn't have been sweeter. she looked so relaxed, so happy without being too much, almost as if this was what she just had to do today amongst all other things.
he also looked so happy, so in love but so himself, when asked "how was it?" he answered "it was cute!" like he had also been this happy for a long time.

my manicurist said to me while painting my nails in hot purple "people nowadays get married knowing that they can always get divorced", she doesn't know Sofia and Antonio, she has never seen them together. she has no idea how serene they are and how at the same time happy and loving. they will definitely stay together forever. he will always take care of her, and she will always keep him smiling. that's our Sofia...

changing to gossip now, our "wedding group" was so well dressed, mind you we never dress badly!!!! yellows and reds by Miss Ritinha, green bluish by Miss Celia, flowers by Miss Luisa, purples and grays by Miss Catia and last but not least HOT PINK by Miss Portugal! of course i will send photos to those who are dying to see me in my beautiful candy dress!!! ;)

i had a great time and i'm sure we will remember this forever... i'm sure they will keep surprising us but making us like always feel part of their lives. and kids, by the way... we want nieces and nephews, one for each of the future Godmothers!!!

may this last forever...


Blogger me said...

bem.. acho q verti uma lagrima a ler isto.. que amor Andrea.. a sério... adorei ler e saber q acreditas mto em nós.. já agora manda me fotossssssssss quero fotos das vossas.. pq mesmo q não tenha estado mto c voces.. quero fotos.. ;) sei q tens umas giras de certeza.. fotos fotos.... have a nice trip back to your old home in order to greet your new home ina 2 months.. ;)
miss you already...


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