catalog 2005-2008

didn't think it'd be so much work being a small version of IKEA!

so this catalog has been fun though, putting it together, watching people's reaction to what we've managed to collect over these 3 years. some things mean a lot to me and to A.T. and some things are hard to give up.

maybe rosie will use the coffee tables as her doll-tea-party table. i like to think she'll grown up the next 2 years using them, or the blankets i've put aside for her, or that her bedroom will be vaccumed with my so dear vaccum-cleaner!

if you find something in this catalog that is to your liking please let me know, i'll see if it's still available. but remember you can only want something if you live in belgium... i am not selling anything that then has to travel to another country... that is not the point of this whole process.
Etiquetas: antwerpen, away, catalog, moçambique, stuff
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