13.may.2006 _ hebron (1)
you don't think?
imagine this:
a hill is conquered and occupied by Israel and Orthodox Jews and settlers are paid by Israel to occupy this hill... but this hill is not empty, it's streets are filled with people, shops, children, elderly... life... would you stop conquering? no. noone ever did. in the colonialism noone did... but now, in 2000 is it still an option? yes! it is always an option to think before you go into a city, you have to know your boundaries, your limitations as a stranger... you have to above all, respect those who live there.
did Israel? no!
why? because it just didn't care of what happened to those who lived there. took their businesses and houses away. threw them away like animals... just like the nazis did to them 60 years ago. i'm sorry, but there is no way you can not ocmpare. it happened and t was one of the most awful things that ever happened, but this?
it's ironic, but not funny... is this what you learned from the Holocaust?? anger can never be turned to revenge!
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