the magnificent hill man-made by the Romans to take over Masada.

the Herodian palace

architectural details, early mosaics made only with stone found in the canyon.

early concept of food storage. this wall was used to keep pigeons. they were the only bird that would fly to a dry place like this, so they were kept for the inhabitants food. they were considered a delicacy!!!! yummm... the wolrd wasn't wasn't so poluted then i guess!!

surprising enough, this was a jewish synagogue, they were also living in masada

one of the open-air water cisterns. it could provide water for years.

this example of cistern is all man-made, underground and would filled up only by rain water or water collected naturally through the draining system created by the people of Masada that would come from far away mountais through these "pipes" until it reached the cistern at the top of the canyon.
let me remind you that evethough it looks like we are at the top of the world, the Dead Sea is in fact the lowest point in the world! Masada is actually situated at -1400m under water level!!!!
NEGATIVE i said!!!!!!
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