11.may.2006 _ jerusalem (4)
if you know and appreciate this memorial... but really didn't understand where it came from, and what reasons Peter Eisenman had to make this gigantic sculpture, here's why, :
the hill s of Jerusalem are painted in white. their natural stone makes it angelically white... but it's cemeteries make it holy... holy white...
I apoligize right away to the Jews, because it is not allowed for non-Jews to enter a Jewish cemetery, but and staying true to my beliefs, and respect for other cultures, I staying within the outter walls, and looked into the most amazing cemetery I have ever seen. Christian cemeteries are very dear to me, it's a place fo peace, but you get lost in so much that is going on, between people who built altars for their loved ones, and all the flowers and different objects people put onto them, trying to show their love, but forgetting that death is a silent presence... Jewish cemeteries, are exactly that... respect in it's highest, silent.

each tombstone is place aligned with the one nest to it, with stones of visitors places carefully on top. there is no show-off, there is no color except the one of the hills...

the old jewish cemetery, right bellow the new one, is what stopped me on my feet. it was like seeing in person the stones of the 10 comandments... all the history you see is extraordinary...

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