i wish i could give you the recipe of this amazing, and I repeat amazing and delicious meal, but in reality I can't... if you look closely you can see all the ingredients, but it's the bread that makes the difference, it's the bread that gives body to this spectacular meal I had on this lunch with another Mayor of a small town near Qualquilia.
basically they call it pizza, if the italians only knew! it's a base of 5 layers of bread, homemade bread in a wood oven but drowning in oil, but extra virgin delicious oil, topped each layer with chopped marinated and cooked onion and almonds!!! on top of the 5th layer you put the chicken you cooked with the onions.
basically... it kills you slowly, first because you love it so much it hurts that you won't be eating it anymore, then it kills you because if you don't toppoed it off with natural white yogurt, you choke! believe me... do not drink anything woth bubbles with this, it stopps your stomach from diggesting... and try to sit next to someone who understands that you're a picky european and eating this dish 3 times in a row, might just kill you rigth then and there...
to diggest I stepped into the women's room (i was allowed to eat with the men, because i was a guest) and sit with them for a while... i felt so at ease with them, the veils came off, the long gowns were substituted with "normal" (to me) clothes, their long hair flowed down their backs so evenly and shinning made me think about asking some advice... we all spoke in our own languages, with alot of sign-language, and we understood eachother perfectly... pictures were not allowed but i have their faces in my mind.
i still couldn't sit down, so i said i needed a walk, and the owner of the house understanding my need to walk took me to see his pets...

the bees... no birds, just bees
i'll take you to Cesarea in Israel... in 4 days