quinta-feira, agosto 31, 2006

voltei... voltei de lá...

e já está um frio de rachar e chuva que molha qualquer palerma que ache que ainda é agosto!!

...senão fossem estes amores de flores que cresceram de repente na casa do meu amigo Bart enquanto estivemos fora... e os bilhetinhos que o meu A.T. ma foi deixando em cada divisão da casa para me receber... eu tiria gritado "tirem-me daquiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!"

mas... agora, quero ficar...

sábado, agosto 26, 2006

9.may.2006 _ akko (2)

gorgeous palaces, abbandoned of left to die, or simply standing and representing old empires... with idiotic but thoughtful "instalations" and history... such as on ancient Templar tunnel used to escape the city of Akko when the arabs tried to get rid of the romans who for so long tried to rule something they just couldn't handle...

a muslim city where beduins still run with their horses by the water...

where mothers dream of the future...

and where promises were made...

9.may.2006 _ akko (1)

a muslim city in the north of israel...
simply beautiful...

because of it's muslim culture it has a life never seen before in this country... it's peace is only broken by the sounds of the merchants in markets that sell anything from clothes to useless things to amazing spices, with odours that you will never forget, to meat and fish and all those yummy foods only arabs know how to cook...

9.may.2006 _ akko (1)

a muslim city in the north of israel...
simply beautiful...

because of it's muslim culture it has a life never seen before in this country... it's peace is only broken by the sounds of the merchants in markets that sell anything from clothes to useless things to amazing spices, with odours that you will never forget, to meat and fish and all those yummy foods only arabs know how to cook...

sexta-feira, agosto 25, 2006

8.may.2006 - qualquilia

the wall

while they watch from their protecting tower, people in Qualquilia go on with their lives, go on imagining their land that was cut in half, or even in 1/4th of what it was to let the wall pass through. imagining how much crops they lost, and how now they live off of only a few vegetables and beans that still grow in this hurtful land.

it is only at sunset that you notice how strong this wall is in this city, unless you're trying to get out and have to go through about 5 control barriers and each one takes about an hour to make you just lose time!

but around 4pm the sun sets... no, here the sun officially sets at normal hours, even later than in lisbon on a normal summer day, but the wall doesn't allow any palestinian to see the sun set after 4pm... there is still light, but no more sun... i asked... "if even he sun is taken away from you, how do you have so much hope?"


quarta-feira, agosto 23, 2006

7.may.2006 _ cesarea

the ancient roman city of Erodes.
where the magic of the roman era still astonishes you... but where you can still see and feel the desire of the romans to rule and take on a new land, but also it's people.

the sand on my toes felt like holiday... it felt good and hopeful for my eyes that had seen so much pain...

but as I watched those men in search of their best catch on the ruins of the Erodian Palace... I could feel that in this spot, where dreams of an empire were dreamt, hope could still have a home.

quinta-feira, agosto 17, 2006

7.may.2006 _ qualquilia

i wish i could give you the recipe of this amazing, and I repeat amazing and delicious meal, but in reality I can't... if you look closely you can see all the ingredients, but it's the bread that makes the difference, it's the bread that gives body to this spectacular meal I had on this lunch with another Mayor of a small town near Qualquilia.

basically they call it pizza, if the italians only knew! it's a base of 5 layers of bread, homemade bread in a wood oven but drowning in oil, but extra virgin delicious oil, topped each layer with chopped marinated and cooked onion and almonds!!! on top of the 5th layer you put the chicken you cooked with the onions.

basically... it kills you slowly, first because you love it so much it hurts that you won't be eating it anymore, then it kills you because if you don't toppoed it off with natural white yogurt, you choke! believe me... do not drink anything woth bubbles with this, it stopps your stomach from diggesting... and try to sit next to someone who understands that you're a picky european and eating this dish 3 times in a row, might just kill you rigth then and there...

to diggest I stepped into the women's room (i was allowed to eat with the men, because i was a guest) and sit with them for a while... i felt so at ease with them, the veils came off, the long gowns were substituted with "normal" (to me) clothes, their long hair flowed down their backs so evenly and shinning made me think about asking some advice... we all spoke in our own languages, with alot of sign-language, and we understood eachother perfectly... pictures were not allowed but i have their faces in my mind.

i still couldn't sit down, so i said i needed a walk, and the owner of the house understanding my need to walk took me to see his pets...

the bees... no birds, just bees

i'll take you to Cesarea in Israel... in 4 days

por onde ando eu...

pelos lados de lisboa... vim do algarve e vou agora para a serra da estrela descansar dos dias de praia...

a DARJELING anda muito atarefada com o atelier mas amanhã vai puder gritar "estou de férias!"... ainda bem, por há ainda muita conversa para por em dia...

prometi e o prometido ficará devido já a partir de hoje á noite quando eu continuar os relatórios da viajem á Palestina... e dentro em breve algo mais animador... e lindo, os Açores.

entretanto não perco pitada dos vossos blogs!
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