
The recipe for a great weekend probably isn't putting 6 girls in 10m² for 5 days. but believe it or not, it can work!
Dublin wouldn't have been the same if we hadn't shared it together, the rain would have been wetter, the cold, colder, the appartment too big, the walks too long, the sun not enough, the shopping not fun and most importantly, the conversations would've made more sense, would have had an end and our heads wouldn't have called for silence in the end.
Conversations changed between one girl leaving Ireland, one wanting to move to Mozambique, one getting married in 15 days, another in 3 months, one who just got promoted but can't go to Angola anymore, or maybe yes still, and one that is new to the group but made quite an impression becoming our personal GODMOTHER... and last but not least one who stayed in Lisbon because she is a proud mother of a beautiful baby but would give her up for a weekend with us... of course, the 10m² would have been enough also for her.
never did such a tiny environment become so cosy so quickly, and even with our recomended small trolleys we made that space feel like our home.
this though took a little effort, we had to kick out the man of house so 6 histerical women could move in, we ate on the floor eventhough there was a table, we were 4 in one room, and 2 in the livingroom in a couch that only lovers would sleep in because only someone who knows you that well could fit so closely.
The other 4, including me, were cramped up in the "master bedroom" where to get to any bed we'd have to climb over these "watery" matresses that somehow during the night would lose all their air, and where basically you'd have to put just one foot, because the moment you'd put your second foot and attempt a step, you'd look like you were trying too hard to surf!
I still have dificulty in trying to understand what went on during these 5 days, and maybe the most important part of it was the animal jungle we went to, called PENNEYS, where basically you forget there's a world outside and enter this twilight zone of cheat shopping! I went in for a jacket, i came out with one jacket, 3 dresses, 3 pairs of underwear. the others?
well, they went in for nothing and came out with souvenirs for next christmas!!!!!
It's hard to explain exactly the void i felt when monday morning after the girls had left to fly back home, Darjeeling had left for work and i looked around and while i made the girly appartment become once more the home of a very cute couple, i almost felt sad for all that silence, actually i had to turn off the "girls of the playboy mansion" reality show on tv, otherwise silence is something you'll never feel, apparently that's the only show on irish tv! looking around me and knowing that in a couple of hours i myself would be flying back to where someone was waiting for me (in the lazy sense of waiting) and i desperately wanted all the girls back, i wanted to hear that constant noise, that constant complaining, good complaining, that constant make-up session, that continuously shopping, those sweet teas and scones, that pleasant feeling of gossip, those wierd confessions, the effortless digital fotography, the adult comments of wives-to-be, those dreamy sighs... and that beautiful friendship.

This weekend was exactly that, an explosion of friendship, and contradictory i wanted to get away, but i know throughout these 6 years i've been away, i know that this feeling is the best feeling, the wanting to be together, to overwhelm ourselves with so much information that none of this info stays in our heads for long. what stays is that warm feeling you have that all those girls, are connected no matter what, we are friends to eachother and for eachother.
This is what Dublin will always be for me, not only where you live but where we were all with you...
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