domingo, agosto 31, 2008

last sunday in a'pen

i am not a believer in last moments, i like countdowns, i like anniversaries, or monthaversaries, i like birthdays and special moments. i hold on to memories far more than other people do because i believe that remembering always makes you understand better who you are.
but last moments, the idea you're doing something for the last time, makes me shiver. as if the thought of eating my last belgian frietjes wasn't enough, today i really felt it... this is my last week here, probably foerever... and i almost had to hold myself up thinking that today is sunday... i should repeat all my rituals this week, on the exact day i used to do them. by doing so i will be sure to remember them even more, and to understand exactly what makes me ME here in this city.

and with this i only had one thing to do after i regained my balance at 10a.m. on this beautiful sunday morning... breakfast with the REVISTA boys!
now, for those who lack information, the REVISTA BOYS aren't a band and i'm sure they are not aware i have breakfast with them... i just sit and watch what the boys that own the cafe REVISTA do. i'm never alone when i do this of course, my partner in this crime also enjoys it!
this ritual includes about a hour's worth of good gossip, strange how it comes to us best on sunday mornings! lots of stories and an amazing and detailed observation of whoever crosses our path.

of course we can't keep the breakfast mood for the whole day so we stroll down the streets to always find a cosy home maybe with a soup pot waiting to warm us (even though it's hot here) and keep the good conversation going.
this was only interrupted when i had to go back to my empty and creepy echooing appartment to sell some furniture, but notheless it was still sunday, so like many of those cold, rainy and unwelcoming sundays i cooked myself a single's dinner, got some individual ice cream and a few gummy bears, rented 2 movies and made myself "at home" on my couch... needless to say, the movies echoed all around me and even though it was just funny stay-at-home-mood-movies, every laugh sounded scary...

and just like that my last sunday in antwer'pen was over... and it felt so relaxing, sad for sure, but so familiar. will all the last days be like this?


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