terça-feira, junho 13, 2006

6.may.2006 _ qualquilia (part 2)

Sorry about that... apparently there is a limit for text and pictures...
So... where was I? ah yes...
The abbandoned city...

We left that little village and climbed to their highest hill, where the mayor showed us his new town hall, freshly painted, about to be used for the first time. To him, that was already a sign that things could change.

Proudly he told us about the Roman ruins in his town. Explained how, because of the Israel government, he couldn't invest money on the reconstruction, to make a open air museum with it, to teach children how to take care of their heritage. But, like before, it wasn't just the money that they could have... it's the permission to do so...

No matter where you go in this piece of paradise, you can't run away from it. They made sure it was seen, felt and lived from any point in Palestina.
Areas like this don't have a 10m high wall... thank God... just a big road where only Israelians can drive through... lined up with barbwire, and fences. Every once in a while, you see a watch tower, with real soldiers in it, playing "war", watching anyone who walks by... sometimes even shooting.
What is the wall protecting?... ah, that is the question. It's protecting these oasis in the middle of a desert. Cities made out of fake, artificial life. It really upset me. I had no words for it, only rage and pity... I would just stare and wonder why? Why people had to treat others like this. I even felt very sorry for the ones that live in these ghettos, because you really have to be a sad, fustrated person to allow youself to get caught in these holes... because that's what they are, holes where racism, and mental war is produced, and even instigated!

like I said... it just takes your breath away...

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